Last weekend I got the 40 Project off to a nice start by completing the most straight-forward (and traditionally present-like) of the cards: "£50 to spend at Superdry".

Why Superdry? Well they happen to make shirts that fit my tall, skinny frame plus they're decent quality. And most importantly of all, I like them. Judge me; I don't care!

We popped into our local store while we were in town and I ended up looking like this:

Me posing badly in a short sleeved, blue check shirt

I also took the opportunity to start another card, namely the 40 Feet photo project. One "Excuse me, this is a rather strange request but can I take a quick photo of your feet?" later and I had the first of 40 photographs for the sub-project:

"Slim" James, Superdry

"Slim" James, Superdry

I was extremely nervous about asking a total stranger if I could photograph his feet, but he was totally cool about it. It was a great start to the project.